// We have just finished to pick them all. Amazing Quality!
// Ernte 2017.
Die letzte „Fuhre“ ist eingefahren. Schöner könnten die Äpfel kaum sein.
GRANNY SMITH bio organic
// We have just finished to pick them all. Amazing Quality!
// Ernte 2017.
Die letzte „Fuhre“ ist eingefahren. Schöner könnten die Äpfel kaum sein.
Have an apple.
Today is #InternationalEatAnAppleDay
which is celebrated annually on the third Saturday in September.
There are so many ways to enjoy apples, may it be straight off the tree, or sliced to pieces! You can also dip it in peanut butter and caramel. Or if you want to be fancy, dust it with cinnamon! You may also opt to have one whole apple pie to yourself. You are truly in for a treat on a day that celebrates a fruit many adore.
// Die 16-jährige Mara Mittelberger aus Südtirol ist Italienmeisterin in Taekwondo. Die junge Athletin vom ASV Taekwondo Terlan setzte sich bei den heurigen Italienmeisterschaften in Pesaro souverän an die Spitze ihrer Kategorie. Voraussetzung dafür war konsequentes und ausdauerndes Training.
Auch bei der Ernährung überlässt die Kampfsportlerin nichts dem Zufall. Reichlich frisches Gemüse und Obst stehen auf dem Speiseplan. Unter den Äpfeln bevorzugt sie die Sorte Granny Smith, wegen ihrer günstigen Eigenschaften. Am liebsten aus biologisch-dynamischem Anbau, wie jene, die sie vom Biohof Frulana bekommt.
// The 16 year old Mara Mittelberger is Italian champion in Takewondo. At this years Italian Championships the young athlete from Southtyrol confidently forged ahead in her category and finally took the stage. Hard and persevering training was needed to reach there.
Mara is equaly careful with choices regarding her diet making sure to include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. As for apples she clearly prefers Granny Smith because of its beneficial characteristics. She likes apples the best that come from biodynamic agriculture – like the ones Frulana organic farm supplies her with.
// August 22
Brix value well over 10° – and still 30 days to go till harvest time!
Frulana’s organic grannies are going to be sweet again.
// 22. August
Brixwert bereits über 10° – und noch dreißig Tage bis zur Ernte! Frulanas Bio-Grannies werden wieder süß.
Heavy hail. No harm to our apples, thanks to excellent hailnet protection.
Hagel im August. Unsere Äpfel – wohbeschützt durch Hagelnetzte.
Frulana’s organic grannies are coming along nicely!
Find out why:
BIODIVERSITÀ. Dal terreno, alle piante, all’uomo
Frulana Agenda Agricola is happy to support the event »BIODIVERSITÀ«, part of the 13th edition of the »Vicino/Lontano« Festival, held every May in Udine, Italy, as a private sponsor.